This guide and videos were made possible thanks in part to
la participation financière de:
This guide and videos were made possible thanks in part to
la participation financière de:
The texts on this site do not presume to cover every subject. They have been designed to provide basic information that we hope will enable everyone to begin or continue their own search for information and resources.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this website, please write to:
Please note: we are not able to meet the specific needs of each person. Contact the CLSC in your territory, a community organization specialized in mental health, Info Santé at 811 or one of the other resources mentioned in the texts. To discover more about West Island ressources visit Thank you for your understanding.
Please feel free to download any of the following documents and find additional information at any of the following online resources.
West Island Resources
W.I. Volunteer Accompaniment Service (ABO-VAS)
ABO-VAS helps vulnerable West-Island residents who require accompanied-transport to get to their vital medical appointments on the Island of Montreal.
West Island Community Resource Centre
Centre Bienvenue and Résidence Bienvenue
The Lakeshore General Hospital
Anorexia and bulimia Quebec (ANEB)
Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île (AJOI)
AJOI’s mission is to offer street / community outreach (outreach) services for youth aged 12 to 25 at risk and / or in difficulty with the West Island. Two outreach workers also are designated to work with West Island citizens of all ages facing homelessness and instability.
Our mission is to gather, consult, and represent people living with, or having lived, a mental health issue. We will promote, defend and advocate for their interests and concerns. We are about giving our peers a collective voice to speak publicly for the important cause of mental health!